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PSA: Don't listen to what big name critics say about My Little Pony: The Movie · 6:23am Oct 7th, 2017

Seriously don't listen to what big name critics say about My Little Pony: The Movie because they tend to be bought and paid for shills for rival movie studios like Disney and some of these critics just simply don't like movies that don't have political correct messages in them. However the only reviews you should really care about are those from the Brony community itself and so far the vast majority of Bronies and Pegasisters love MLP The Movie. Hell even people who do not follow the tv show

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PSA: The success of My Little Pony: The Movie and the underperformance of Blade Runner 2049 is proof that big name critics don't matter · 8:53pm Oct 8th, 2017

That's right, My Little Pony: The Movie made more money than what a lot of were expecting to make since people were predicting that it was going to make a dismal 7 million dollars when it made double that amount. And Blade Runner 2049 is barely at number 1 at the box office and it made a lot less money what a lot of people were saying that it was going to make. The vast majority of big name critics gave very good reviews to Blade Runner 2049 but it did not made into a blockbuster hit. Meanwhile

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results